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Dior Homme 2015春季男装系列秀发布



Dior Homme二零一五春季系列混搭多元化的音乐元素演绎出独特的节奏与韵律。西装口袋上精致剪裁的缎面条纹与刺绣宛若黑暗中的光效,T恤和衬衫上的印花线条仿佛无线电调频按键整齐的排列,却又显现出随性的涂鸦效果。“这一季与众不同的理念来自于同样非凡的一群人,他们有自己固有的优雅守则,我的作品发掘出他们的独一无二。”:设计师Kris Van Assche如是说。


灵感 / Inspiration

Dior Homme二零一五春季系列混搭多元化的音乐元素演绎出独特的节奏与韵律。起源于一九七零年代的伦敦新浪潮(New Wave)、始于一九八零年代的比利时新节奏(New Beat)、以及总在黑暗中奏响,随着强劲节奏变幻出炫目视觉效果的电子音乐(Electric)与Dior Homme 二零一五春季系列男装一起描绘出Dior Homme本季全新时装概念。

The Dior Homme Spring 2015 collection resonates like the coming together of several musical movements: New Wave, which originated in London in the late 70s; New Beat, created in Belgium in the mid 80s; and electronic music, with looks exuding a strong sense of identity, a mix of black and fluorescent highlights.


剪裁 / Tailor

Dior Homme创意总监克里斯·凡·纳什(Kris Van Assche)将音乐的节奏幻化为兼具优雅与摩登的男装剪裁。西装口袋上精致剪裁的缎面条纹与刺绣宛若黑暗中的光效,T恤和衬衫上的印花线条仿佛无线电调频按键整齐的排列,却又显现出随性的涂鸦效果,如同音乐起伏的节拍,赋予本季时装更具轮廓且动感十足。

The Dior Homme Spring 2015 collection resonates like the coming together of several musical movements: New Wave, which originated in London in the late 70s; New Beat, created in Belgium in the mid 80s; and electronic music, with looks exuding a strong sense of identity, a mix of black and fluorescent highlights.


色彩 / Colour


The palette of blacks, blues and greys is lit up by white, technical green, yellow, blue and bright red. The silhouette suggests new trouser and shirt sleeve lengths, with slightly cropped jackets and blousons. The look is dynamic and bold, with luxury and modernity echoing to the same beat.


理念 / Philosophy

“这一季与众不同的理念来自于同样非凡的一群人:他们有自己固有的优雅守则,能够在我的作品中发掘自己的独一无二,并且总能选择出正确的时装来展示自己的个性”克里斯·凡·纳什(Kris Van Assche)如是说。

“This interpretation of the distinctive characteristics of a group, from which each member can derive his own code of elegance, marks a new phase in my work on the individual and on ways of offering him a range of options for expressing his personality”, explains Kris van Assche.



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